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Short Article

22-09-2023 | 12:09 PM

Thali Economics

According to a rating firm Crisil, the increase in food prices is affecting both vegetarian and nonvegetarian meals, with a significant 24.26% rise in vegetarian thali meal costs and a 12.54% increase in non-vegetarian thali meal costs.

Key Highlights:

  • Thali is an Indian-style meal made up of a selection of various dishes – vegetarian and non-vegetarian – which are served on a platter.
  • A veg thali comprises roti, vegetables (onion, tomato, and potato), rice, dal, curd, and salad. For non-veg thali, the constituents remain the same but for dal, which is replaced by chicken.
  • According to Crisil, the average cost of preparing a thali at home is calculated based on input prices prevailing in north, south, east and west India.
  • The monthly change reflects the impact on the common man’s expenditure. The data also reveals the ingredients (cereals, pulses, broilers, vegetables, spices, edible oil, cooking gas) driving changes in the cost of a thali.
  • The rise in thali prices was primarily driven by the significant increase in the price of tomatoes.
