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Short Article

15-04-2024 | 11:13 AM

World Happiness Report 2024

World Happiness Report 2024 has been released by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

Key Highlights

Released by: the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

Frequency: Annually

It takes into account six variables: 

(i) GDP per capita

(ii) Healthy life expectancy 

(iii) Having someone to count on

(iv) Freedom to make life choices

(v) Generosity

(vi) Freedom from corruption

It is supported by taking the average life evaluation data gathered by the Gallup polls for the 2021-23 period.

Finland topped the list for the seventh year in a row, followed by Denmark, Iceland and Sweden. Israel too made it to the top five of the ranking. 

Afghanistan was deemed as the least happy country, after Congo, Sierra Leone, Lesotho and Lebanon.

India ranked 126th same as last year, China ranked 60th, Nepal at 93, Pakistan at 108, Myanmar at 118, Sri Lanka at 128 and Bangladesh at 129th spots.

United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

It is a non-profit organisation of the United Nations to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals at national and international levels.

