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Short Article

25-04-2024 | 14:33 PM

Genetic Profiling

The Wildlife Institute of India (WII) is carrying out genetic profiling to add the genetic information of the elephants to a national database.

Key Highlights

(i) It includes information about changes in specific genes, gene expression, or chromosomes in cells or tissue of a person.

(ii) It involves an examination of an individual’s DNA to detect variations or mutations linked to traits, diseases, or various conditions.

(iii) The genetic analysis provides insight into individual genetic composition and helps in multiple ways, assessing disease susceptibility, tracing ancestry, and informing personalised medical care.

(iv) Genetic profiling is also used to help diagnose disease and plant treatment.

(v) In forensic science, it is used for identifying individuals based on DNA evidence, such as in criminal investigations or paternity testing.

(vi) Recently, the Wildlife Institute of India has developed a mobile application named Gaja Suchana, enabling officials from all state forest departments to access the data.

About: Wildlife Institute of India (WII)

It is an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. 

Objective: To advance wildlife research, education, and conservation in the country.
