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Comprehensive news & Analysis

07-07-2021 | 12:54 PM

Small and Medium companies (SMC)

Context: The Ministry of corporate affairs (MCA) has expanded the definition of small and medium sized companies (SMCs). 

Key Highlights: 

• As per expanded definition, Small & Medium Companies is an unlisted company, a bank, an insurance or a financial institution with sales up to Rs 250 crore and borrowings up to Rs 50 crore. 

• Earlier limit for sales was Rs 50 crore and for borrowings was Rs 10 crore. 

• Now, SMCs are permitted to avail a number of exemptions under Company (Accounting Standards) Rules 2021. It will reduce complexity of regulatory filings for smaller firms.

Exemptions available to SMCs 

• They are completely exempted from filing cash flow statements and providing segmental break up of their financial performance. 

• They can avail partial reporting exemptions in areas like reporting on employee benefits obligations. For instance, on pensions. 

• They are exempted from providing detailed analysis of benefit obligations to employees. 

• They are also exempted from reporting diluted earnings per share in their filings. 

About Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) 

• SMEs are businesses whose personnel numbers are kept below certain limits. SMEs sometimes outnumber big companies by a wide margin and employ more people. 

• SMEs are also responsible for driving innovation and competition across different sectors. 


• Banks, insurance companies, financial institutions, and listed companies cannot be classified as SMCs. 

• Any holding company or subsidiary of a company which is not an SMC cannot be classified as SMC. 
