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Short Article

12-09-2023 | 10:24 AM

Maya Operating System (OS)

The Defence Ministry has decided to replace the Microsoft Operating System (OS) in all computers connected to the Internet with the Maya Operating System (OS).

Key Highlights:

  • Maya OS is a new operating system that is based on Ubuntu, a popular Linux distribution that uses free and open-source software.
  • It is developed by Ministry of Defence Ministry with the help of various government agencies, including the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), and the National Informatics Centre (NIC).
  • One of the main advantages of Maya OS is that it has a similar interface and functionality as Windows, making it easy for users to adapt to it.
  • It also has a feature called Chakravyuh which is an end-point anti-malware and antivirus software that creates a virtual layer between the user and the internet, blocking hackers from accessing sensitive data. 
