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Short Article

14-11-2023 | 19:23 PM

Carbon Nanoflorets

Recently, researchers at IIT Bombay have created carbon nanoflorets capable of converting sunlight into heat with unmatched efficiency. 

Key Highlights:

  • This innovation holds the potential to revolutionize sustainable heating solutions while minimizing the carbon footprint.
  • Carbon nanoflorets are a unique nanostructure composed of carbon atoms arranged in a distinctive floret-like morphology. 
  • They have a high surface area and various potential applications in fields such as materials science, electronics, and nanotechnology due to their exceptional properties and structure. 
  • It can remove up to 90% of pollutants containing arsenic, chromium, cadmium and mercury. 
  • These can absorb light at multiple frequencies like infrared, visible and ultraviolet. 
  • The nanoflorets can generate heat sustainably, without having to burn fossil fuels. 
  • The nanofloret coatings can help heat up housing and sterilise surfaces in hospitals. 
  • A single square meter of carbon nanofloret coating has the remarkable capacity to vaporize 5 liters of water per hour.

