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Short Article

03-12-2020 | 11:28 AM

Air India One 


  • President of India recently boarded the Air India one-B777 aircraft. The aircraft is carrying its first VVIP official.

Key Points:

  • Air India One is going to be a call sign for the VIP. The aircraft shall be used by the President, the Vice President and the Prime Minister of India. The aircraft is fuel-efficient.

  • Air India One is to be run by the Indian Air Force Communications Headquarters Squadron, which is located at Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi.

Key Features:

  • It is fitted with Large Aircraft Infrared Counter-Measurement (LAIRCM) self-protection missile defence systems.

  • LAIRCM consists of missile warning sensors, control interface unit, lower transmitter assembly and processors for tracking, detecting, jam and counter-incoming infrared missiles
