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Comprehensive News & Analysis

25-11-2020 | 16:08 PM

BRICS members adopted Counter Terrorism Strategy

The members adopted counter terrorism strategy during the 12th BRICS Summit. The main objective of the strategy is to deal with terrorism.

Key Highlights:
The Counter-Terrorism Strategy is based on the following principles.

  • Respect for the rights of participating countries
  • Commitment to international law
  • Acknowledge the coordination position of the United Nations
  • Include the goals of Member States and national interests
  • Adopting a holistic approach to the war against terrorism

The aims of the plan are as follows:

  • Implement resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.
  • Enlarge counter-terrorism activities with the G20 and the FATF
  • To address emerging challenges based on the Charter of the United Nations
  • Increase the exchange of intelligence on terrorist groups as laid out in the United Nations Security Council.

Brasilia Declaration:

The BRICS countries adopted the Brasilia Declaration at the 11th BRICS Summit in Brasilia. The declaration has condemned extremism in all its manifestations. According to the resolution, the two key pillars of extremism are philosophy and money. 
The Brasilia Declaration reflects on the following key concerns such as money laundering and the fight against financial terrorism, reaffirming the value of developing legislative systems.
The declaration affirms that the BRICS nations will not give credibility to any government that promotes terrorism. China's compliance with this part of the declaration is significant to India because of China's proximity to Pakistan.
