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Short Article

23-11-2020 | 16:33 PM

Tristan da Cunha      

  • The isolated UK overseas territory of Tristan da Cunha was declared the largest fully protected Marine reserve of the Atlantic Ocean.


  • This will prohibit sand extraction, bottom trawling fishing and deep-sea mining in more than 90% of waters of the territory.

About Tristan da Cunha:

  • It is a small chain of islands inhabited by less than 300 humans. It is located 6,000 miles from London in the South Atlantic Ocean.


  • The waters around the island are the richest in the world. It is home to tens of millions of seabirds, unique land birds.


  • There are two endangered species and five endangered species on the island. The island is also home to World Heritage sites such as Gough and Inaccessible Islands. 
