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Short Article

23-11-2020 | 13:32 PM

Lonar Lake and Sur Sarovar Lake     

  • The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has recently announced the addition of Lonar Lake in Maharashtra and Sur Sarovar Lake in Uttar Pradesh to the Ramsar sites.
  • Lake Lonar is the only crater lake in the country. Sur Sarovar Lake is also called Keetham Lake.

Lonar Lake
It was created by an asteroid impact during the Pleistocene Period. The crater is situated within the Deccan Traps of the Deccan Plateau. It has 160 birds, 12 species of mammals and 46 reptiles. Two small streams, Penganga and Purna, flow into Lonar Lake.

Keetham Lake or sur Sarovar Lake
More than 106 species of migratory birds are found in the lake of Sur Sarovar. The water of the lake is taken from the Agra Canal. The canal originates from the Okhla reservoir on the Yamuna River in Delhi.
