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Comprehensive News & Analysis

19-11-2020 | 16:01 PM

Puerto Rico and Washington,D.C.

For the seventh time in ten years, the United States territory of Puerto Rico has voted in favour of statehood.

It asks for equal treatment like the other 50 Nations of the United States.
Joe Biden's Democratic Party has embraced the principle of recognising the two institutions as states. On the other hand, Trump was opposed to it.


Puerto Rico is a Spanish-speaking island. It's smaller than the state of Tripura. Yet there's a population of 31 lakhs.

It's situated in the Caribbean Sea. The residents of Puerto Rico were given citizenship in 1917. The island was not, however, made a province. It continues to be the domain of the United States.

In the past, Puerto Rico has had six referendums. At such referendums, voters were asked to choose between secession, statehood or the commonwealth. 52% supported statehood in the 2020 referendum.

Washington demand:

Washington D.C. The notion that national capital should not be part of any state was founded in 1776.

The citizens of Washington were given the freedom to vote only in 1961, after the 23rd US constitutional amendment. Much like Puerto Rico, Washington still has only one member of the House of Representatives who has no legislative rights.

To Washington, D.C. And in order to gain statehood, all the chambers of the US Congress (Senate and House) would need to approve the proposal. After that the President of the United States would authorise it.
