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Comprehensive News & Analysis

13-11-2020 | 13:40 PM

Hyperloop Technology 

Context: The Virgin Hyperloop that plans to connect Mumbai and Pune in 25 minutes, has conducted its first successful passenger ride in Las Vegas, US.

About Hyperloop Technology

  • The Hyperloop is a new mode of transport that speeds up to 1000 kilometers per hour. The idea was conceived by Tesla and SpaceX in 2012. There are several companies that are working on the technology.

  • In the technology, the capsules or pods are to be zipped into continuous steel tubes that are held at partial vacuum. 

  • The pod is supported between an air compressor in the front and a battery compartment in the back. The skis of the hyperloop eliminates rolling resistance of the hyperloop. It allows movement of pods at high speeds. 

  • They are driverless vehicles and electronically assisted to accelerate.


  • The technology is completely autonomous and sealed. 

  • The vehicle is noiseless as the motion does not involve any contact. 

  • The tunnels of hyperloop are to be built either below or above the ground. Thus, this transport technology will take smaller ground footprints as compared to the traditional road and rail transports.

Remarks: The IIT Madras recently conducted a Hyperloop contest to encourage young engineers of the country in developing the technology.
