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Comprehensive News & Analysis

03-11-2020 | 11:07 AM

Municipal Solid Waste Processing Facility


The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI) has developed a Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Processing Facility.


  • The MSW Processing Facility is developed for the disposal of solid waste in a scientific manner following the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 prescribed by Union Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC).

  • This new facility not only helped to achieve decentralised decimation of solid waste, but also helped to generate value-added end-products from abundantly available redundant resources such as dry leaves, dry grass, etc.

  • Equipped with Advanced Segregation techniques, the Bio-Digestion process adopted causes minimum pollution.

  • The facility runs solely on solar energy. 

  • The facility uses a plasma arc to dispose of solid waste that transforms waste into a plasma state.

  • The special features of the facility entail segregating wastes such as masks, diapers, sanitary napkins, etc.

  • The primary goal of CSIR-CMERI is to relieve common households of their segregational obligations by advanced segregation techniques. 

  • The Mechanized Segregation System segregates solid waste into metallic waste, biodegradable waste, non-biodegradable waste and inert waste such as glass, stones, etc.

  • The bio-degradable component of the waste is decomposed in an anaerobic environment commonly called bio-gasification.

    • In this process, biogas is released through the conversion of organic matter.

    • Biogas can be used as a fuel for cooking purposes and can also be utilized in the gas engine for the generation of electricity. 

    • The residual slurry from the biogas plant is converted to compost by a natural process known as vermi-composting by introducing earthworms. Vermi-compost is used in organic farming.

  • The facility also comprises disinfection capabilities that can sever the COVID-19 chain through UltraViolet C radiation and by hot-air convection methods. 

  • The residues from the facility will be high in carbon, which can be used in agriculture as fertiliser and to produce bricks for construction purposes. It is creating wealth out of wastes via use of science



  • The primary goal of the scheme is to eliminate the burden of segregation by introducing advanced segregation techniques. 

  • The CSIR-CMERI aims to develop a Decentralized Waste Management Technology that will help reduce carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption. 

  • It would also help to build jobs for Zero-landfill and Zero-waste.

  • Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Processing is used to maintain a cleaner environment and to safeguard contamination of soil, air and water.

