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Comprehensive News & Analysis

22-10-2020 | 18:12 PM

UN Human Rights Council

Context: Pakistan was recently re-elected to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) with 169 votes in the 193-member UN General Assembly.

Key Highlights

  • Pakistan secured the highest number of votes among the five candidates from the Asia-Pacific region vying for four seats.

  • The country has served on the UNHRC since January 2018 and will continue for another three-year term commencing from 1 January 2021

  • Since the UNHRC’s establishment in 2006, this is the fifth time that Pakistan has been elected to the UN’s premier body on human rights.

About United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

  • United Nations Human Rights Council is a United Nations body which was established in 2006 and replaced the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. 

  • Its primary mission is to promote and protect human rights around the world. 

  • It investigates the allegations of breach of human rights in UN member states. The body also addresses the important human rights issues including the women’s rights, LGBT rights, freedom of association and assembly, freedom of expression, freedom of belief and religion and the rights of racial and ethnic minorities.

  • It has 47 members who are elected for 3-year terms on a regional group basis. 

  • The organisation is headquartered in Geneva (Switzerland).

