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Short Article

08-04-2024 | 10:46 AM

 Black Carbon Emissions

There is growing concern about the black carbon emission in India. 

Key Highlights

(i) Black carbon is a dark sooty material emitted alongside other pollutants when biomass and fossil fuels are not fully combusted, contributes to global warming and poses severe risks.

(ii) It is part of fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5).

(iii) Black carbon is the second largest contributor to climate change after CO2.


(iv) It has been found to have a direct link between exposure to black carbon and a higher risk of heart disease, birth complications, and premature death.

(v) Most black carbon emissions in India arise from burning biomass, such as cow dung or straw, in traditional cookstoves.

(vi) According to a 2016 study, the residential sector contributes 47% of India’s total black carbon emissions.

(vii) Industries contribution 22%, diesel vehicles 17%, open burning 12%, and other sources 2%.

(viii) Exposure to black carbon has been linked to a higher risk of heart disease, birth complications, and premature death. 
