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Short Article

14-03-2024 | 12:03 PM

Chakshu Portal

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) recently launched 'Chakshu' on Sanchar Saathi, aiming to foster stakeholder collaboration against telecom misuse in cyber-crime and financial frauds.

Key Highlights

  • ‘Chakshu’ is a citizen-centric facility introduced on the Sanchar Saathi portal by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT). 

  • Aim: To empower individuals to report suspected fraud communications received via various channels, including calls, SMS, or WhatsApp.

  • Citizens can utilize ‘Chakshu’ portal to report various types of fraudulent activities, such as KYC-related frauds,financial frauds etc. 

  • By leveraging citizen participation, ‘Chakshu’ facilitates collaboration between the public and relevant authorities, including law enforcement agencies, telecom service providers, and other stakeholders. 

  • In addition to facilitating reporting, ‘Chakshu’ contributes to raising awareness and educating citizens about the various forms of fraud prevalent in the digital landscape. By empowering individuals with knowledge and resources, the facility promotes a culture of cyber-awareness and vigilance.
