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Short Article

15-11-2023 | 16:46 PM

British Academy Book Prize

India-born author Nandini Das won the 2023 British Academy Book Prize for her book ‘Courting India: England, Mughal India and the Origins of Empire’.

Key Highlights:

  • The British Academy Book Prize, worth 25000 British pounds sterling, is awarded annually for a non-fiction book that promotes global cultural understanding for a wider public audience.
  • The prize covers various subjects within the social sciences and humanities.
  • It aims to promote cross-cultural dialogue and appreciation of diverse cultures.
  • Nandini Das is 49-year-old and is English Professor at the University of Oxford.
  • She has sought to present a new perspective on the origins of the empire through the story of the arrival of the first English ambassador in India, Sir Thomas Roe, in the early 17th century.
