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Short Article

08-11-2023 | 17:13 PM

Ghost Particles or Neutrinos

China is building the world’s largest telescope called “Trident” below the South China Sea. The job of the telescope is to detect “ghost particles” also known as neutrinos.

Key Highlights:

  • Neutrinos are tiny subatomic particles. They are often called ‘ghost particles’ because they barely interact with anything else.
  • Neutrinos do not carry an electric charge which means they are not affected by electromagnetic forces. This allows them to pass through matter including most atoms, with minimal interaction.
  • Neutrinos have a mass much smaller than other fundamental particles like electrons or quarks.
  • Neutrinos’ weak charge have made them difficult to observe. They can only be seen when they interact with other particles.
  • Neutrinos will help solve a number of scientific mysteries like the origin of the cosmic rays which are known to contain neutrinos.
  • Neutrinos are essential for understanding the origins of our universe

