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Short Article

06-11-2023 | 16:04 PM

Technology for Converting CO2 to CO

A new energy-efficient carbon dioxide capture (CO2) technology that converts carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide (CO) under electro catalytic conditions has been developed by IIT Bombay’s National Centre of Excellence in Carbon Capture and Utilisation (NCoE-CCU).

Need of the Technology

  • Carbon monoxide (CO) is a widely used chemical in the industry especially in the form of Syngas. In the steel industry, CO is an essential ingredient for converting iron ores to metallic iron in blast furnaces. 
  • CO is generated by partial oxidation of coke/coal, which leads to a significant production of CO2 as an end product of this process. 
  • If this emitted CO2 can be captured and converted into CO, it can lead to a circular economy in this process while reducing the carbon footprint and associated costs. 
  • It will also support India’s goal for net-zero emissions by 2070.

Key Highlights:

Conversion from CO2 to CO

  • The Currently used process for CO2 to CO conversion occurs at elevated temperatures (400-750 °C), and the presence of the equivalent amount of Hydrogen (H2) is necessary for driving this reaction forward making it an energy-intensive process.

  • The newly developed process requires only minimal energy as it can proceed under ambient temperatures (25-40 °C) in the presence of water.

  • The energy required for the electrocatalysis reaction can be harnessed directly from a renewable energy source (in the form of a solar panel or windmill), which ensures a carbon-neutral operating scenario for a facile CO2 to CO conversion.
