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Short Article

25-10-2023 | 19:05 PM

Caste Census in India

Recently, the demand was made for a nationwide caste census after publication of a caste survey in Bihar.

Key Highlights:

  • The demand was made after the recent publication of a caste survey in Bihar found that 63% of Bihar’s 13 crore population belong to castes listed under the Extremely Backward Classes (EBC) and Other Backward Classes (OBC) categories.
  • However recently, the Prime Minister has criticised and rejected the demand for a nationwide caste census.
  • The State government in Bihar in January 2023 launched a two-phase caste survey in Bihar, stating that detailed information on socio-economic conditions would help create better government policies for disadvantaged groups.
  • Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and Extremely Backward Classes (EBCs) constitute more than 63% of the population of Bihar.
  • The so-called “forward” castes or “General” category is only 15.5% of the population.
  • The data also shows that there are about 20% (2.6 crore) Scheduled Castes (SCs), and just 1.6% (22 lakh) Scheduled Tribes (STs).
  • The intersection between class and caste-based deprivation in Indian society is evident in a gamut of socio-economic statistics.
  • The average Monthly Per capita consumption expenditures (MPCE) of Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC) and OBC households in rural areas were, respectively 65%, 73% and 84% of the MPCE of the ‘Others’, i.e. the general category, as per the National Sample Survey (NSS), 2011-12.
  • In urban areas the average MPCE of ST, SC and OBC households were 68%, 63% and 70% of the general category in 2011-12.
