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Short Article

23-10-2023 | 18:34 PM


Annual update of the Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) 2023 has been released.It is produced by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC).

Key Highlights: 

  • AQLI, converts air pollution concentrations & their impact on life expectancy.
  • The AQLI was built to help solve some of these challenges by providing local information on air quality and its health consequences.

Major Highlights of the Report:

Short of benchmark: Not a single nation across the globe achieved the air quality benchmark set by the World Health Organization, which stands at 5 micrograms of pollutants per cubic meter of air (μg/m³) in the year 2021.

Indian Scenario:

  • Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan—where 22.9 percent of the global population lives—are the top four most polluted countries in the world.
  • The most polluted region of India is the Northern Plains, home to more than a half billion people and 38.9 percent of the country’s population.
  • The region contains the capital city of Delhi, the most polluted megacity in the world with annual average particulate pollution of 126.5 µg/ m3 —more than 25 times the WHO guideline.
  • The average Indian resident is to lose 5.3 years of life expectancy if the WHO guideline is not met.
