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Short Article

21-10-2023 | 16:58 PM


In the last few years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly pushed the boundaries of cognitive computing further. 

Key Highlights: 

  • Biocomputers use biologically-derived materials to perform computational functions while organoid intelligence is an emerging field that envisions novel biocomputing models using stem cell-derived brain organoids.

  • Organoids are small tissue cultures derived from stem cells to replicate part of a human organ’s functioning. 

  • These organoids have been used for various purposes such as disease modelling and drug testing, but researchers are now beginning to explore their potential for information processing.

  • Such organoid studies show promise for replicating the cellular aspects of learning and memory to further our understanding of the brain.

  • Researchers have already begun experimentation to determine the effects of substances like medicine and alcohol on brain organoids’ ability to learn.

  • Brain organoids can also be cultured to mimic different regions and cell layers, resembling the early stages of brain development.

  • Scientists could also study personalised brain organoids to investigate how genetic factors, medicines, and other environmental elements influence an individual’s condition.

  • Brain organoids can create biocomputers that will be faster and more efficient than silicon computing and AI.

