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Short Article

18-10-2023 | 17:14 PM

Udangudi ‘Panangkarupatti’

Udangudi ‘Panangkarupatti’ from Tamil Nadu has received a Geographical Indication (GI) Tag.

Key Highlights:

  • Udangudi Panangkarupatti is also referred to as palm jaggery. 

  • It is prepared using the palm sap collected from the inflorescence of palmyra trees that grow on the red sand dunes in and around the Tiruchendur region in Tamil Nadu. 

  • Uniqueness of Udangudi Panangkarupatti is that the palm jaggery preparation procedure in this area is traditional till date without inclusion of any additional modern strategies. Triple super phosphate and phosphoric acid are used in many other areas, but no such chemical additives are used in Udangudi Panangkarupatti. 

  • The jaggery prepared from the palm sap from the region is unique due to the presence of red sand dune soil found in the region.

  • This soil holds less groundwater. The moisture content in the atmosphere is less because of the dry climatic condition which leads to high sucrose content, in turn adding taste.
