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Short Article

07-10-2023 | 10:40 AM


Vanadium, a rare metal, has been discovered from the Gulf of Khambhat in Gujarat.

Key Highlights:

  • Vanadium is a medium-hard, steel-blue metal. It rarely exists as a free element in nature but can be found in about 65 different minerals, including magnetite, vanadinite, carnotite and patronite.
  • Brazil is the world’s largest exporter of vanadium followed by Russia and South Africa. Brazil alone is responsible for nearly one-quarter of the metal’s global export market.
  • China has the highest vanadium reserves in the world.
  • Vanadium is used primarily as an alloying element in Iron & Steel Industry as it imparts toughness and strength to steel.
  • Modern applications of vanadium include its use as vanadium secondary batteries for power plants and rechargeable vanadium redox batteries (VRB) for commercial applications.
