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Short Article

23-09-2023 | 09:49 AM

India and US President Bilateral Meeting

The Prime Minister of India and US President held a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of G20.

Key highlights:

  • Both countries reassured the significance of the Quad in supporting a free, open, inclusive, and resilient Indo-Pacific region. They looked forward to the next Quad Leaders’ Summit, to be hosted by India in 2024.
  • US President reaffirmed his support for a reformed UN Security Council with India as a permanent member. India’s candidature for the UNSC non-permanent seat in 2028-29 was also welcomed by the US.
  • Both leaders acknowledged the role of technology in their partnership and commended the India-US Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET).
  • ISRO and NASA have started discussions for a joint effort to the International Space Station in 2024.
  • India and the United States also intend to increase coordination on planetary defense to protect planet Earth and space assets from the impact of asteroids and near-Earth objects.
  • They recognized the importance of resilient semiconductor supply chains and welcomed investments from U.S. companies in India.
