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Short Article

11-09-2023 | 09:54 AM

US Scientists Repeat Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough

Scientists in the US have successfully conducted a second nuclear fusion reaction experiment that resulted in a net energy gain.

Key Highlights:

  • Nuclear fusion is the process which gives the Sun its energy. Scientists from more than 50 countries have been trying to recreate it on Earth since the 1960s. They hope it could eventually provide huge quantities of clean energy for the world.
  • In nuclear fusion, pairs of tiny particles called atoms are heated and forced together to make one heavier one.
  • It is the opposite of nuclear fission, in which heavy atoms are split apart. Nuclear power stations currently use nuclear fission to generate electricity.
  • Nuclear fission produces radioactive waste, which can be dangerous and must be stored safely potentially for hundreds of years.
  • The waste produced by nuclear fusion is less radioactive and decays much more quickly.
  • Nuclear fusion doesn’t need fossil fuels like oil or gas. It also doesn’t generate greenhouse gases, which trap the Sun’s heat and are responsible for climate change.
