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Short Article

28-08-2023 | 10:47 AM

Havana Syndrome

The Central government has told the Karnataka High Court that it will look into the matter of the ‘Havana Syndrome’ in India.

Key Highlights:

  • A petitioner had approached the court requesting a writ of mandamus for an enquiry on Syndrome in India and the prevention of high-frequency microwave transmission in India.
  • Havana Syndrome refers to a set of mental health symptoms that are said to be experienced by United States intelligence and embassy officials in various countries.
  • It typically involves symptoms such as hearing certain sounds without any outside noise, nausea, vertigo and headaches, memory loss and balance issues.
  • This syndrome was first experienced by US State Department personnel in Cuba’s Havana in late 2016 and hence, the name Havana Syndrome.
  • The exact cause is uncertain, but it was initially suspected to be a deliberate act by Cuban authorities due to strained relations. It was initially called a “sonic attack.
  • However, later research suggested that the victims might have been exposed to powerful microwaves, which could damage the nervous system and create a sensation of sound. Prolonged exposure to such microwaves can affect balance, memory, and even cause permanent brain damage.
  • Despite extensive research, experiments, and medical examinations of victims, the US has not found concrete evidence to confirm the existence of the “microwave weapon” responsible for Syndrome.
