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General Studies and Engg. Aptitude Quiz

24-08-2023 | 13:18 PM

Project Devika

The Union Minister has said that North India’s first River Rejuvenation Project Devika is nearing completion.

Key Highlights:

  • Project Devika aims to rejuvenate Devika River. It is North India’s first river rejuvenation project.
  • It was launched in 2019 under the National River Conservation Plan (NRCP).
  • Under the project, bathing “ghats” (places) on the banks of the Devika River will be developed, encroachments will be removed, natural water bodies will be restored and catchment areas will be developed along with cremation ground.
  • The project also includes the construction of three sewage treatment plants, development of two cremation ghats, protection fencing and landscaping, small hydropower plants and three solar power plants.
  • On completion of the project, the rivers will see reduction in pollution and improvement in water quality.
  • Devikariver originates from the hilly SuddhaMahadev temple in the Udhampur district of Jammu and Kashmir and flows down towards western Punjab (now in Pakistan) where it merges with the Ravi river.
  • The river holds religious significance as it is revered by Hindus as the sister of river Ganga.
  • In 2020, Devika Bridge was inaugurated in Udhampur. Apart from taking care of traffic congestion, the Devika Bridge was also meant to help smooth passage of Army convoys and vehicles.
