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Short Article

10-08-2023 | 11:28 AM

Hydrogen Production from Methanol

Researchers have developed a new process of producing hydrogen from methanol through a catalytic reaction under ambient conditions.

Key Highlights:

  • Hydrogen is considered one of the cleanest sources of energy that can be easily obtained from indigestible biomass or bio-derived alcohols.
  • Various methods can generate hydrogen but the cost of hydrogen depends on how environmentally friendly and energy efficient the production process is.
  • For instance, Water and methane are the main sources of hydrogen on Earth but extracting pure hydrogen from them consumes a lot of energy through techniques such as natural gas reforming electrolysis and water-splitting reactions.
  • Notably, Methanol can serve as a potential candidate for obtaining hydrogen due to its gravimetric hydrogen content of 12.6% and its effective conversion to H2 and CO2 as final products.
  • Researchers have developed a new process of producing hydrogen from methanol through a catalytic reaction under ambient conditions.
  • This method offers a sustainable and green method of manufacturing the much-needed Hydrogen fuel.
