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Short Article

17-06-2023 | 11:38 AM

Delhi’s Old Fort

Recently, there were significant archaeological findings at Delhi’s Old Fort that have unearthed several noteworthy historical artifacts.

Key Highlights:

  • Among them are shards of Painted Gray Ware pottery, which are typically dated to the period between 1200 BC and 600 BC. These pottery pieces offer a glimpse into the artistic traditions of the pre-Mauryan era.
  • So far, nine cultural levels have been identified, including pre-Mauryan, Mauryan, Sunga, Kushana, Gupta, post-Gupta, Rajput, Sultanate, and Mughal periods.
  • Old Fort holds immense significance in Indian mythology, with many believing it to be the legendary city of Indraprastha mentioned in the Mahabharat.
  • The present fort was originally constructed by Sher Shah Suri and later renovated by Mughal emperor Humayun.
