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Short Article

08-06-2023 | 12:54 PM

Rayyanah Barnawi

Rayyanah Barnawi became the first Arab woman to venture into space. Barnawi and
her co-astronaut, Ali al-Qarni, embarked on their journey aboard the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

Key Highlights:

  • The mission's primary purpose on the International Space Station (ISS) was to conduct a series of experiments. The team focused on human research, cell sciences, and cloud seeding experiments in the unique microgravity environment of the space station.
  • The mission held great importance for Saudi Arabia as it strove to expand its space science education and reduce its reliance on oil, in alignment with the Vision 2030 reform program.
  • This programme aimed to create new opportunities and jobs for young Saudis while driving economic diversification.
