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Short Article

23-05-2023 | 12:09 PM

Petersburg Climate Dialogue

The Petersburg Dialogue on Climate Change was recently held in Berlin, Germany. It was hosted by Germany and the United Arab Emirates.

Key Highlights:

  • The Petersburg Climate Dialogue is an annual high-level political and international forum held before the United Nations Climate Change Conferences (COP).

  • It was initiated in 2010, following the nearly unsuccessful negotiations at the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (COP15).

  • The conference included topics such as climate adaptation, climate finance and dealing with loss and damage, but in particular the first-ever global stocktake

  • 2023 is the year for the Global Stocktake, which is essentially a periodic review of global climate action which aims to assess whether current efforts will enable us to reach the objectives set out in the Paris Agreement, 2015.
