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Short Article

19-05-2023 | 12:10 PM

Star rating system for water taps and sanitary fixtures: Bharat Tap

The Central Government is in the process of bringing in a star rating system for water
fixtures similar to the ratings of electrical appliances.

Key Highlights:

  • The Indian government is planning to introduce a star rating system for water fixtures called Bharat Tap.
  • The rating system would have 3, 4, and 5-star water fixtures based on their water efficiency, and this rating system would come under the Bharat Tap Initiative.
  • Bharat Tap initiative aims to provide low-flow, sanitary ware at scale, and thereby reduce water consumption at the source considerably.
  • It is estimated that this initiative will save approximately 40% of water. This will in turn result in water saving and energy saving due to less water and energy will be required for pumping, transporting, and purification.
