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Short Article

25-07-2022 | 15:15 PM

U.S. waiver to India for S-400 purchase


  • The US House of Representatives has voted in favor of granting India a waiver from CAATSA (Countering American Adversaries Through Sanctions Act).
  • The decision comes amid escalating tensions between the US and Russia over Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

Key Highlights

  • The amendment was authored and introduced by Indian-American Ro Khanna, who is the Vice-Chair of the Congressional India Caucus and member of the House Armed Services Committee.
  • The amendment received an astounding majority of 330 to 99 and now awaits passage in the Senate.
  • If the waiver is indeed granted, it will allow India to freely purchase Russia’s S-400 missile system without the fear of American sanctions.


  • CAATSA or Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act is a US legislation that imposes punitive measures, by way of sanctions, for defence and strategic engagement with “American adversaries” like Iran, North Korea, and Russia. 
  • It was passed in 2017. 

Why CAATSA was created?

  • The idea behind CAATSA was to punish Russia for the Crimean annexation in 2014 and its alleged role in the 2016 US presidential election.
  • The sanctions are intended to economically hurt Russia over its international actions. CAATSA primarily allows the US government punish any country that engages in transactions with Russian defence and intelligence sectors.
