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Short Article

13-06-2022 | 19:09 PM

Environment Performance Index (EPI)

  •  India has scored the lowest among 180 countries in the 2022 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) with a score of 18.9.

  • India was ranked 168th in EPI-2020, with a score of 27.6.

Worst and best performing countries

  • Worst performing five nations included-India, Myanmar, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

  • Best performing nations included- Denmark, UK, Finland, Malta, Sweden in that order.

About EPI

  • The EPI is a biennial index and was started in 2002 as Environmental Sustainability Index.

  • It is prepared by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy and the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network.

Indicators used for ranking

  • It uses 40 performance indicators across 11 issue categories.

  • These issue categories are in turn aggregated into 3 policy objectives:

  1. Environmental Health

  2. Ecosystem Vitality

  3. Climate Change.

11 issue categories under EPI

A) Environmental Health

  1. Air Quality 

  2. Waste management

  3. Water & sanitation

  4. Heavy metals

B) Climate

1.  Climate change Mitigation

C) Ecosystem Vitality

  1. Biodiversity & habitat

  2. Ecosystem services

  3. Fisheries

  4. Agriculture

  5. Acid rain

  6. Water resources
