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Short Article

13-06-2022 | 19:03 PM


  • NASA’s mission named DAVINCI is expected to be a breakthrough to study formation, evolution, and composition of Venus.
  • The mission which is scheduled to be launched in 2029 will both fly by to Venus and descend through its harsh atmosphere.

About DAVINCI Mission:

  • DAVINCI stands for Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging.

  • DAVINCI spacecraft will land on the Venus and will serve as a telecommunication hub by relaying information from the probe to earth.


  • The probe is made of one of the world's strongest metal titanium and is 3 feet wide.

  • The probe is made to withstand the extreme Venus atmosphere.

  • On Venus, air pressure is too high, clouds are made of acid that can dissolve most metals and the surface is hot enough to melt lead.

 Some DAVINCI Instrumentation:

  • VTLS- Venus Tunable Laser Spectrometer (VLTS) will measure isotopes in Venus atmospheric chemical compounds.

  • VASI- Venus Atmosphere Structure Investigation (VASI) will measure pressure, temperature and wind speed.

  • VISOR- Venus Imaging system for Observational Reconnaissance (VISOR) will take pictures of cloud motion.

  • VMS- Venus Mass Spectrometer (VMS) will study Venus atmosphere including noble gasses and profile of major, minor and trace compositions.

  • CUVIS- Compact Ultraviolet to Visible Imaging Spectrometer (CUVIS) will help to identify a mysterious compound called “unknown absorber” that socks up half of incoming sunlight.

  • VfOx- Venus Oxygen Fugacity (VfOx) is a sensor made by students that will measure oxygen in the lowest part of the atmosphere.
