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Short Article

06-06-2022 | 18:39 PM

India’s First Liquid Nano Urea Plant 

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated India’s first Liquid Nano Urea plant in Kalol, Gujarat.

  • Liquid Nano Urea is a patented product of Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative (IFFCO) and is expected to replace imported urea and produce better results for farmers. 

About Liquid Nano Urea

  • Urea is a chemical nitrogen fertilizer used to provide artificial nitrogen to plants.

  • LNA is nanotechnology-based urea in which nanoparticles of nitrogen are used to provide nutrients to plants.

  • It is directly sprayed on the leaves and easily absorbed by the plant due to the nano size of nitrogen particles.

Advantages over conventional Urea

  • The bioavailability of LNU to plants is more because of its desirable particle size about 20-50 nm.

  • According to IFFCO, liquid nano urea contains 4 percent total nitrogen (weight/volume) evenly dispersed in water.

  • The liquid nano urea produced by IFFCO Limited comes in a half-liter bottle priced at Rs 240 without subsidy while the farmer pays Rs 300 for a 50-kg bag of heavily subsidized urea.

  • It is also aimed at reducing the unbalanced and indiscriminate use of conventional urea.

  • It will help increase crop productivity, and reduce soil, water, and air pollution.
