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Short Article

06-06-2022 | 18:36 PM

World’s Fastest Supercomputer- FRONTIER

  • “Frontier”, a supercomputer built by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has become the fastest supercomputer in the world.
  • It has outperformed “Fugaku” built by Japan.

 About “Frontier” supercomputer

  • It has reached the Linmark benchmark score of 1.1 exaflops, making it the world’s first supercomputer to break the exascale speed barrier.

  • Fugaku, now at the second position, has a Linmark benchmark score of 442 petaflops.

  • 1 exaflop is equivalent to 1,000 petaflops(Peta Floating-Point Operations per Second)

  • Frontier is also ranked number one as the world’s most energy-efficient supercomputer, on the Green500 list.

Technology used in “Frontier”

  • Frontier is equipped with advanced micro devices (AMD).

  • It has 8,730,112 total cores and is built on the latest HPE Cray EX235a architecture.

  • Fugaku, the second most powerful supercomputer, has 7,630,848 cores. 

India’s Supercomputers

  • Two of India’s Supercomputers are in the top 100 in the Top500 list of fastest supercomputers in the world.

  • Pratyush and PARAM -Siddhi are two supercomputers of India in top 100.
