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31-05-2022 | 18:48 PM

UNICEF Report- ‘Child Alert: Severe Wasting’

In the report titled “Child Alert”, UNICEF has highlighted that 6,00,000 more children across the globe will most probably be missing out on essential treatments.

An increasing number of children worldwide are dying from "severe wasting" as a result of the rising cost of life-saving treatments and foods.

Wasting, defined as low weight-for-height, is the most visible and lethal type of malnutrition.

Severe wasting is its most deadly form. It is caused by a lack of nutritious food and repeated bouts of diseases such as diarrhoea, measles and malaria, which compromise a child’s immunity.

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine are causing the ongoing global food crisis.

The report also highlighted that the cost of raw materials used to produce ready-to-eat packs to bring the malnourished children back to health has risen by a 16% margin. 

UNICEF- United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, now officially known as United Nations Children's Fund is an agency of United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and development aid to children worldwide.

Headquarters- New York, USA
