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Short Article

11-05-2022 | 15:36 PM

Cyclone ASANI 

  • Cyclone Asani is expected to grow into a 'severe cyclone' over the Southeast portions of the Bay of Bengal, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD).

  • The name Cyclone Asani has been given by Sri Lanka that means ‘wrath’ in Sinhalese.

  • The IMD classifies cyclones on the basis of the Maximum Sustained Surface Wind Speed (MSW) they generate.

  • The IMD provides cyclone and storm surge advisories to 13 countries across the north Indian Ocean.

Occurrence of cyclones in INDIA:

  • The cyclone season in India occurs twice a year, from March to May and October to December. 

  • Cyclones under rare circumstances, strike between June and September.

Tropical cyclones, are powerful circular storms that form over warm tropical oceans and are marked by low air pressure, strong winds, and heavy rain.

There are six Regional Specialised Meteorological Centres (RSMCs) worldwide and five regional Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres, which are mandated for issuing advisories and naming of cyclonic storms.

IMD is one of the RSMCs and is tasked with giving a title to a cyclone that forms over the northern Indian Ocean.
