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Short Article

11-05-2022 | 15:33 PM

Shigella Bacteria

The recent instance of probable food poisoning in Kasaragod district, Kerala, is thought to be the result of a shigella bacteria outbreak.

Shigella is a bacterium that belongs to the enterobacter family — a group of bacteria that reside in the intestine and causes an infection called SHIGELLOSIS.

It is the world's second-biggest cause of diarrhoea and the third-highest cause of death in children under the age of five.

Transmission: It is generally transmitted through the faecal-oral route by person-to-person contact, contact with faeces from an infected person.

Indirect contacts such as by flies, fomites, contaminated food or water

Incubation period: 1-4 Days.

Species: Shigella flexnerii, Shigella sonnei, Shigella bodyii, Shigella dysenteriae

Treatment Protocol

  1. Hydration
  2. Antibiotics
  3. Public Hygiene

According to the WHO priority pathogen list for R&D of new antibiotics, Shigella comes under MEDIUM PRIORITY BACTERIA.
