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Short Article

14-03-2022 | 18:09 PM

Accidental Firing of Missile on Pakistan

  • Recently India acknowledged that “technical malfunction led to the accidental firing of a missile”.

  • It was speculated that it was a test of one of India’s top missiles, BrahMos. 

What are the Provisions for Testing Missiles? 

  • Under the pre-notification of flight testing of ballistic missiles agreement signed in 2005, each country must provide the other an advance notification on the flight test it intends to take for any land or sea-launched, surface-to-surface ballistic missile. 

  • Before the test, the country must issue Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) or Navigational Warning (NAVAREA) to alert aviation pilots and seafarers, respectively.

  • Also, the testing country must ensure that the launch site is not within 40 km, and the planned impact area is not within 75 km of either the International Boundary (IB) or the Line of Control (LoC). 

What is Brahmos Missile? 

  • It is an Indo-Russian joint venture, has a range of 290 km and is the fastest cruise missile in the world

  • BrahMos is named on the rivers Brahmaputra and Moskva.

  • It operates on the "Fire and Forgets" principle i.e it does not require further guidance after launch.

  •  It can be fired from anywhere, is nuclear-capable, and can carry warheads of 200-300 kg.

