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Short Article

05-03-2022 | 16:30 PM

Montreux Convention and Ukraine war

  • Turkey is set to implement an international convention on naval passage through two of its strategic straits, which would allow them to limit the movement of Russian warships between the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.
  • Montreux Convention is an international treaty that governs Turkey’s Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits.

  • In the event of a war, the pact gives Ankara the right to regulate the transit of naval warships and to block the straits to warships belonging to the countries involved in the conflict.

  • The Bosporus and Dardanelles straits, connect the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea via the Sea of Marmara.

  • It is the only passage through which the Black Sea ports can access the Mediterranean and beyond.

Interesting Fact

  • Turkey has used the convention’s powers before. 

  • During World War II, Turkey prevented the Axis powers from sending their warships to attack the Soviet Union – and blocked the Soviet navy from participating in combat in the Mediterranean.
