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Short Article

25-02-2022 | 18:10 PM

World Bank’s REWARD Project

  • The World Bank, the Government of India, the State Governments of Karnataka, and Odisha, have signed a USD 115 million deal for the Rejuvenating Watersheds for Agricultural Resilience through Innovative Development (REWARD) Programme. 

  • It aims to help national and state governments adopt improved watershed management practices to help farmers become more resilient to climate change, improve incomes, and promote higher productivity.

  • The objectives of the Project are to improve water and land conservations as well as prevent soil run-off, harvest rainwater, regenerate natural vegetation, and replenish the groundwater table.

  • This project Is a joint initiative of the Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development in association with the World Bank.

  • It is planned as a six-year project and is one of the largest water management programs around the world.
