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Short Article

23-02-2022 | 18:01 PM

Koalas as Endangered Species: Australia


  • Australia has listed the koala as an endangered species across most of its east coast, after a dramatic decline in numbers.

  • The population of Koalas is declining dramatically across the country because of habitat loss, the impact of prolonged drought, black summer bushfires, Urbanisation, and cumulative impacts of disease.

  • Koala is an arboreal (lives in trees) marsupial.

  • A marsupial is born in a very incomplete state. They are minute, hairless and with hind limbs only partially formed.

  • Koalas are endemic to Australia.

Interesting Fact   

  • Due to the low nutritional value of eucalyptus leaves they eat, koalas tend to sleep for extended periods, often up to 18 hours a day, to conserve energy.

