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Comprehensive News & Analysis

14-12-2021 | 13:54 PM

Ken-Betwa River Interlinking Project- Schemes and Policies 

  • The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved the funding and implementation of the Ken-Betwa river interlinking project at a cost of ₹44,605 crores.

  • It will be the first major centrally-driven river interlinking project in the country.

  • The Ken-Betwa Link Project lies in Bundelkhand, a drought-prone region, which spreads across 13 districts of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.

  • The project involves transferring of water from the Ken river to the Betwa river through the construction of the Daudhan dam and a canal linking the two rivers.

  • The project is expected to provide annual irrigation of 10.62 lakh hectares, drinking water supply to about 62 lakh people and also generate 103 MW of hydropower.

Ken is one of the major rivers in the Bundelkhand region of Central India. It flows through the states of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.

Betwa river rises in the Vindhya range. It flows northeast through Madhya Pradesh and Orchha to Uttar Pradesh. 
