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Comprehensive News & Analysis

28-09-2021 | 15:37 PM

India-US Strategic Clean Energy Partnership (SCEP) 

India and the US recently co-chaired a virtual Ministerial meeting and launched the revamped U.S.-India Strategic Clean Energy Partnership (SCEP). 

Key Highlights 

• In the meeting, both sides reviewed progress & major accomplishments and prioritized new areas for cooperation across several pillars. 

• They also announced the addition of a fifth Pillar on Emerging Fuels as both the countries seek to promote clean energy fuels. 

• On the occasion, a new India-US Task Force on Biofuels was also announced in order to build the scope of work on cooperation in the biofuels sector. 

• They also announced renaming the Gas Task Force to India-US Low Emissions Gas Task Force. This task force will continue to forge collaboration between Indian and US companies on innovative projects to provide support to India’s vision of a gas-based economy. 

About Strategic Clean Energy Partnership (SCEP) 

• Strategic Clean Energy Partnership (SCEP) was launched in line with U.S.-India Climate and Clean Energy Agenda 2030 Partnership that was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Joe Biden in April 2021 at the Leaders’ Summit on Climate. 

• It organizes inter-governmental engagement on the basis of five pillars of cooperation: Power and Energy Efficiency, Responsible Oil and Gas, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Growth and Emerging Fuels. 
