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Short Article

10-09-2021 | 16:43 PM

NTPC's Floating Solar PV Project 

• NTPC Limited has commissioned the largest floating solar PV project of 25 MegaWatt on the reservoir of its Simhadri thermal station in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. 

Key Facts 

• This is also the first solar project to be set up under the Flexibilisation Scheme, notified by the Government of India in 2018.

• The floating solar installation has a unique anchoring design which is spread over 75 acres. This floating solar project has the potential to generate electricity from more than one lakh solar PV modules. 

• This will not only help to light around seven thousand households but also ensure at least 46 thousand tons of carbon dioxide is not emitted every year during the lifespan of this project. 

NOTE: NTPC has also planned to set up a hydrogen-based micro-grid system at Simhadri on a pilot basis. NTPC has also become the first energy company of India to declare its energy compact goals under the UN High-level Dialogue on Energy (HLDE).
