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Comprehensive News & Analysis

08-09-2021 | 17:55 PM

Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) 

Context: The Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) has brought high-speed internet to some of the remotest tribal hamlets in Kerala. It has been done with the use of long-distance Wi-Fi. 

About JSS: 

• The Scheme of Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) was formerly known as Shramik Vidyapeeth. It has been implemented through a network of NGOs in the country since 1967. It is an initiative for skill development in rural areas. 

Key objectives of JSS: 

• To improve the occupational skills and technical knowledge of persons having evel of education upto 8th standard and other school dropouts beyond 8th standard. 

• To create a pool of master trainers working across the department/agencies of skill development through training/orientation programmes. 

• To widen the range of knowledge and understanding of social, economic and political systems and create awareness about the environment. 

• To promote self-employment and facilitate financial support including loans for the target groups through linkage with credit and consortium membership. 

About Long-distance Wi-Fi 

• Long-distance Wi-Fi works on 5GHz frequency. Using this technology, high-speed internet could be provided even up to 100 km without any transmission loss. 

• Servers have been setup in such a way to help a minimum of 250 users use the Net concurrently.
