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Short Article

02-09-2021 | 15:51 PM

Shared Destiny-2021 Defence Exercise 

Militaries of China, Mongolia, Thailand, and Pakistan are set to take part in a multinational peacekeeping exercise called “Shared Destiny-2021”. 

Key Highlights 

• It will be organized by the People’s Liberation Army at the combined-arms tactical training base in the central Henan province of China from September 6 to 15, 2021. 

• All the participating countries will dispatch about 1,000 troops to be part of drills. 1000 troops will involve units of infantry, security, fast response, engineering, helicopter, transportation, and medical service. 

• Exercise will be held in a close-to-real battlefield environment that will be set in accordance with international, professional, and realistic combat standards. 

• In the peacekeeping exercise, battlefield environment will be created by conducting drills of battlefield reconnaissance, security guarding & patrol, protection of civilians, protection to armed escort, response to violent & terrorist attacks, construction of temporary operation base and battlefield first aid & pandemic control for responding to UN’s Action for Peacekeeping initiative.
